Saturday Drop-In with Carly-Skye Lawren from Headspace Highlands

This week’s Saturday drop-in involved a chat over video call with Carly-Skye Lawren from Headspace Highlands. Headspace Highlands is a relatively new project, started near the end of October in 2024. It’s a community driven platform for mental health awareness, with goals in reducing the stigma in the highlands and creating a space for people to feel less alone on their mental health journeys.

Carly is in her third year of her four-year psychology course. As well as that, she is also a mental health ambassador at UHI Inverness. She is driven by her belief that talking about wellbeing is so important and so she wants to get involved in any way that she can.

The one thing that sparked Carlys idea for this project was her realisation that not only was she struggling after covid with poor mental health, but lots of other were too, presenting the need for a platform where people could share their stories, therefore normalising talking about mental health in general.

People get involved with Headspace Highlands through podcast like episodes or interviews, where they talk about their personal experiences and how hey came out the other side. Carlys podcast covers a range of topics with the first episode covering anxiety and others covering topics like eating disorders and other relating topics. Carly tells us that there is lots more to come and that she is very excited to be able to introduce many more topics. These podcast episodes can be listened to on Spotify as well as Instagram, which covers shortened versions of each episode.

On the 11th February from 6:30-8:00pm at Café 1668, Carly will be teaming up with Lara from Highland Well-ness Collective to host a book club event as an opportunity for people to come along to connect with others. The focus of this event is on personal growth, wellbeing and to create a sense of community through speaking to locals and connecting with other people.

Keep up to date with Headspace Highland

Written by Olivia Price